UPLC has been helping disabled people get benefits since the late 70s. Back then, there was a Catch-22 where in order to qualify for Social Security disability benefits, people needed to visit a doctor to be deemed disabled. However, they didn’t have money for a doctor, because they weren’t working—because they were disabled! UPLC even used to have a grant specifically to pay for disabled people to see a doctor in order to qualify for benefits.
Obama’s Affordable Care Act changed this. Now, you only have to prove you’re poor enough to be eligible for a medical card. With that medical card, you can access a doctor’s appointment to help you qualify for Social Security disability.
However, there is still a Catch-22: You need money to get to the appointment, but if you work to get the money needed, you are proving that you can work, which can disqualify you from getting benefits. The state works hard to deny people benefits—79% of people are denied Social Security disability the first time—and make people think it’s their fault.
UPLC is instituting a new program, called Road to Access. In this program, with the support of our generous donors, clients are provided CTA passes and ride vouchers to get to important appointments. This helps people get the benefits they are legally entitled to.
As always, thanks for your support!